Friday, August 29, 2008

DOGBOOK -Dogs on Facebook

Dogs on Facebook
Originally uploaded by cambodia4kidsorg
How about this for social networking - better than sniffing around the neighbourhood in search of friends!

Pitty the image is so small. The description reads "Dogbook allows you to create a profile for your dog, tag your dog in photos, find dogs in your area, and much more! Make your dog a part of your Facebook life - add Dogbook today!"

Why should humans have all the fun?

Finishing Post

MySpace and Facebook - I thought I knew what they were (something teenages and young adults use to keep in touch and brag about their exploits - comlplete with photos of last nights event!) but after these lesson I can see how powerful these are. Connecting with many more people than the one you initially intended, the message certainly gets out there.

Its been a great learning experience, even though it took more time than recommended (maybe I'm a slow reader/learner) and it wasn't always plain sailing. Thanks for creating this course and giving us the opportunity to keep up to date with whats happening with technology. Its easy to be lazy, fall behind, and let the world go by. I will try and use my new skills.

Many thanks for the MP3 player I received as a spot prize. I was a little stunned that I had won something! Its been very handy to listen to the news to and from work. I have an ipod but I do miss the radio. When I get a chance I will try and download some podcasts so I have a variety of things to listen too.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Online applications and tools

What a great idea - no need to install anything - its just there to use for free! Very convenient and a time saver too. I could have used goggle doc when my daughter sought advice on her resume. Instead we played email ping-pong, attaching new version each time. As requested in the lesson, I generated a document and emailed a colleague and slnsw2.0

Nearing the finishing line
I'm no.4 dog trying to keep up with no.5. I'm almost there. A few more strides.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Podcasts and Audio

I like the convenience of podcasts - subscribing to favourites, listening 'on demand', portable. Some are better than others. A good topic can be spoilt by a bad delivery. Need to be kept short and interesting or listeners will not return a second time.

There is potential for podcasting at the library. Maybe a podcast could highlight a current exhibition, upcoming event/seminar or a talk from seminar/conference.


This was a fun week. So many possibilities (not sure how to use for work, but great for personal use). I especially like the calendar and the jigsaw

Two buildings, one of the reading rooms = teamwork

1. Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept, 2. State Library of NSW, 3. 200601 state library of nsw, 4. State Library of New South Wales

Friday, July 18, 2008

Answer Boards and Social Searching

I've come across these when searching for info on a variety of things on google. I don't take too seriously advice given by most, but the sometimes the opinions expressed are interesting - even thought provoking - giving a different slant on things. I much prefer 'professional' sites ie Mayo Clinic for health related queries. So I suppose any answers given by librarians would fall into that category as I think they'd be able to give a more 'correct' answer. Some people/professions I trust more than others!!

I looked at the Answer Board Librarians wiki as suggested and some of the Signature and Tag lines. I particularly liked The Library is a resource, not a building and Libraries - the ultimate search engines

Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 8 - or in my case still a few weeks behind

Started Week 8 a few weeks ago. There was a lot to explore and take in. I was fooled by I thought it was a cookbook tag! I'm always on the lookout for something new to cook - and taste! I found the Cleveland Public Library's tag easier to use (than the Sutherland Shire Libraries tag cloud) as it had catagories to narrow down the selection process. I added a few bookmarks of interest, including one containing recipes. (

As suggested in Discover#2, I headed over to Technorati and did the searches suggested. I couldn't get anything searching for nswpln2008, so I tried State Library NSW and found the following video clips. The first is the english version of MyLanguage - there is also a Spanish version. The plan is for more versions in other languages so keep an eye out for them. Great advertising tool selling whats good about our libraries. The second is a clip of the Day of Action Protest Rally last November.

Time is limited today so I will explore LibraryThing next week.