Friday, July 18, 2008

Answer Boards and Social Searching

I've come across these when searching for info on a variety of things on google. I don't take too seriously advice given by most, but the sometimes the opinions expressed are interesting - even thought provoking - giving a different slant on things. I much prefer 'professional' sites ie Mayo Clinic for health related queries. So I suppose any answers given by librarians would fall into that category as I think they'd be able to give a more 'correct' answer. Some people/professions I trust more than others!!

I looked at the Answer Board Librarians wiki as suggested and some of the Signature and Tag lines. I particularly liked The Library is a resource, not a building and Libraries - the ultimate search engines

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

I am glad you had an interesting time looking at answer boards. Thanks for the image too.

Ellen (PLS)