Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 8 - or in my case still a few weeks behind

Started Week 8 a few weeks ago. There was a lot to explore and take in. I was fooled by I thought it was a cookbook tag! I'm always on the lookout for something new to cook - and taste! I found the Cleveland Public Library's tag easier to use (than the Sutherland Shire Libraries tag cloud) as it had catagories to narrow down the selection process. I added a few bookmarks of interest, including one containing recipes. (

As suggested in Discover#2, I headed over to Technorati and did the searches suggested. I couldn't get anything searching for nswpln2008, so I tried State Library NSW and found the following video clips. The first is the english version of MyLanguage - there is also a Spanish version. The plan is for more versions in other languages so keep an eye out for them. Great advertising tool selling whats good about our libraries. The second is a clip of the Day of Action Protest Rally last November.

Time is limited today so I will explore LibraryThing next week.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Keep going - the important thing is to acquire the knowledge and skills ... speed isn't necessarily the best measure of success!

Mylee (PLS)